Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brain Freeeeeeze

In honor of the low 80s temperature, and making it halfway through the week...we celebrated with a quick trip to 7-11 for Slurpees after school today. Brain freeze was worth it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The best sound on earth

Tonight I am grateful for the sound of my children wonderful, especially  when they are giggling with each other.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Our lawn away from home

Directly across from our home is a stretch  of city property in the shape of a triangle. It isn't an official park, but it is always beautifully cared for. Since we live on a small lot we consider it our extended front lawn and this piece of land has seen a lot first bike rides, picnics, games of hide n seek, lemonade stands, treasure hunts and much more. This evening it hosts a neighborhood baseball game with a pitcher (Dom), a hitter and two outfielders. I am often thankful for this great space, but especially on a sunny Spring evening.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A good day for a mantra

It is no secret that I don't care for rainy days, but in the Pacific NW we know the rain is the main reason for such greenery that we enjoy most of the year.  So, I have to appreciate the rain on this Sunday. 
Today's mantra?
  "April showers bring May flowers."

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Weed therapy

After meeting significant disappointment this morning with a personal achievement, I have been in a funk all day.  A few hours ago I made a was either raiding the frig and kitchen cabinets like a mad women or tackling a garden bed in need of a good weeding.  Now I stand here with a feeling of true accomplishment, and a large pile of weeds.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Just couldn't help myself

Because the flowers in my garden fill me with so much joy and gratitude, it is a constant challenge not to include a different flower daily on my 365grateful blog.  I wasn't able to fight the urge today though when I came home to smiling poppies in bloom.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's a matter of timing

I saw this hanging up in an office at work today at the exact moment when I needed it the most.  I love when that happens.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

When good things happen to good people

I know a few folks recently that despite their hard work, strong work ethic and abilities were turned down for promotions  that they most certainly deserved.  This type of thing is a huge bummer and doesn't make much sense overall.  Today I am thankful that the right choices were made and the right person, my friend and co-worker Sharon, was offered a super important promotion to Director.  This makes everything okay, and my faith renewed. Congratulations are most deserving!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mix'n it up

I never thought I would ever become a creature of habit...but doggone it, I am.
Every morning for over a year I have blended a most delicious smoothie for my  breakfast.  It really is the best thing ever...nonfat Greek yogurt, frozen berries, chia seeds, flax seed and dry oats.
Today I am thankful for my mini personal blender at makes my day so much tastier.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Never to take for granted

Totally slipped my mind to fill out my ballot for the city parks I sorted through a huge stack of mail, uncovered my ballot, and took care of business. I will be darned if I was going to let one election go by without getting my two cents in.  Thankful for the right to vote tonight.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Impulse buy

I needed a pick-me-up so on a whim,  I bought this plant for my front porch today.  It is unusual, and I have not seen this type of celiosa before.  I am in awe of the color.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Family time

Tonight I am thankful that the four of us all came together at the end of the day to sit at one of our favorite Greek joints and share a pizza pie.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The beauty of fresh dirt

Here lies the new home for my many strawberry plants that are currently overcrowded in several planters on the patio. The plants will fit nicely among my blueberry and blackberry plants.  Oh, the joy of looking forward to sweet organic berries this summer...

Something's afoot

Everything is better wearing a new pair of shoes. I am thankful that I splurged for a new pair of Spring and Summer flats for work.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Live and learn

There was a time in my life when a low self esteem and lack of confidence blanketed by a nice case of depression was a daily challenge. The only way I was able to pull myself out of that state was to learn the art of positive self-talk. I am forever grateful for this but especially thankful that I can pass these tools to my son or daughter when they need it most.  A powerful lesson.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The gift of convenience

Tonight I am grateful that on her 10th birthday, my Alice said she would prefer a store bought cake rather than a home made one. Little did she know I have been so busy I hadn't had time to make an ice cream cake. She didn't care at all that I improvised with tea lights instead of remembering to buy b-day cake candles.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Better late than never

I am always a little behind when it comes to television. When the tv is on it is usually a show chosen by the kids. Last year I finally watched all the available seasons of a Glee on Netflix and loved it. Recently Brent and I started watching Lost, and it has hooked us thoroughly. Tonight I am thankful for the chance to sit and watch the next episode of this series. After a long day, my brain is full and my body would like to be friends with the couch.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rabbit condo complete!

Today Brent and spent several hours on our back yard patio with gardening and finishing our conversion dresser to rabbit condo. It was fun and we were able to make it with all materials that we had hanging around. A great day, indeed.  The bunnies are pretty darn happy!



Saturday, April 12, 2014

Double digits

Next week I will have a ten-yr-old daughter and what a fantastic young person she is becoming. Sigh...there are no boundaries  to the love I feel for my Alice. A daughter truly is a gift. Today we took her and her two best friends for some fun and frozen yogurt. There were lots of giggles. Hana is on left and Kaitlyn is on right in photo. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Proud mama moment

His first written research project was turned in today. When Dom's 2nd grade class was assigned a report on any country of their choosing...he had no trouble making a decision. He was so proud of his accomplishment, and he told me he deserved an A+.  I agreed.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tulip tree

I have always been attracted to this type of tree...blooms that look like tulips on the branches in Spring.  I have called them tulip trees for as long as I can remember, because I didn't know what they were. Today on my walk I ran across this one and it's owner , working in the garden,  told me it is a Magnolia.  Wow, how did I not know that?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Putting the happy in Happy Meal

I saw this posted on FB today by This note was written by a McDonalds manager to her staff.  It's part of a push for restaurants and retailers to think about how they use gender specific labels unnecessarily.  This made me smile.  I truly feel that these little changes could have a real influence on kids and help our future generations clearly see a natural equality between boys and girls.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's the little things...

A co-worker brought me a nice dry erase board for my door today.  Now I can let people know that my door is closed because of one of the following reasons:

A) on a conference call

B) working on a tough deadline

C) working off-site

D) working out to my Tao-Bo DVD and need some privacy

E) all of the above

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mondays should always be this pretty

Oh my, today I am thankful that I am wearing flip-flops for the first time since early September.  Might be time to celebrate with a little polish on the toenails.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Rabbit condo

I had an idea for converting an old dresser into a rabbit condo (or more like a town home) that we can keep out on our porch.  It will be attached to their gated run-around space so they go in and out as they please.  This is what we are starting with...and the drawers we took out will make fantastic garden boxes.  Brent is helping me with the construction...more pictures to come!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." -Cicero

Family day at the library...used to be every weekend when the kids were younger. I love it.  Each of us usually come out of there after an hour with our arms full of treasures. Today I hit the jackpot in the music section, bringing home a whole lot of Hank Williams.
Spent the afternoon downloading CDs and listening.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Sometimes all four of us agree on a movie or show we all might enjoy watching together.  I am thankful that tonight is one of those times.  Fun movie, with cool animation and a film noir flare.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Today I am thankful to have great kid art to gaze at during the work day. 
 This piece Dominik has entitled Awkward. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Free Stuff

Once in a while, for entertainment value,  I check Craigslist under Free Stuff.  Some of the most interesting items are listed. 
Like these...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The bluest house you've ever seen is in Tacoma

 The kid's have Spring Break and Brent has this week off.  While I worked, they got a start on our house-painting project. Today was first-coat-on-the-detached-garage day.
One section at a time, and by the end of summer our home will be covered in fresh paint.  I love the color...