Saturday, May 31, 2014


Thanks to an old stand-by burger joint near town, Pick Quick, we had a nice little picnic burger lunch on the grass in the sun. Hanging out with my husband  and kids turned my grumpy morning into a fantastic afternoon.

Meaningless meteorology

I don't pay a lot of attention to the weather forecast...but I did notice that meteorologists predicted rain storms this week. I am thankful that the weather forecasts are often way off base.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tooting redneck, anyone?

I am all about weird and random. As I strolled the aisles of Big Lots during my lunch hour today, I spied this guy in the garden art section. I couldn't help letting out a giggle at the weird randomness of this find.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Thank you, Maya Angelou, for enlightening me with your writings. I was 20 when I first read "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings".  26 years later I remember the way it made me was one of the most soulful, honest, and beautiful novels I had experienced. I was moved by your words then, and that book still stays on my mind in my adulthood.  I hope you know that your novels, poetry...all of your work will continue to enlighten, spread peace, and bring comfort to many future generations.  You are a bright star that will always shine.  Rest in peace.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Shhhhhhh...your body is listening

I have a tendency to be hard on my body when I don't feel very fit and strong, or I haven't been making healthy food choices. I am thankful that I saw this little blurb today while surfing the net. It helped.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy couch potatoes

We bought a lovely couch and matching chair on craigslist from the nicest young couple(moving and had no room for the set).  We scored them for $60 total!
The biggest couch potato in the house, Sugar, has given us the thumbs-up as it is most certainly her favorite place to be.  In gratitude, she leaves behind a nice nest of white fur when she does actually get up to stretch her legs.
Thankful for great deals on craigslist when you expect furniture will be getting daily doses of kids and pets.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

And baby makes six

Dan & Darcey have been friends of mine for over 20 years, and they have 3 great kids. They hadn't planned to raise a 4th child, but 9 mos ago they were asked by the state to foster a 3 mos old baby that was born to an unfit single mom (who happened to be a very distant relative they had never met).  Lilly is a sweet child who deserves a loving family and great parents like Dan & Darcey.  Today, family and friends gathered to celebrate Lilly's first birthday - a great party!  Dan told me they have begun the adoption process but there are no guarantees.  Lilly's birth mom has shown no signs of improving her life and no interest in her daughter. I am thankful for folks like Darcey & Dan, who open their homes and hearts to a child born to unfortunate circumstances and their love makes all the difference. Fingers crossed all goes well for the nicest family of six I know.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Don't tell the other flowers

I have truly refrained from posting garden shots every day. Though, when in full bloom, to not thank my alium's whimsy for brightening my front yard would be a serious shame.  It's difficult to say (please don't breathe a word of this to the others) but if I had to pick a favorite bloom, it would be these.

Open wide

Hate is a strong word...but I really hate visits to the dentist.  That is why I am thankful for the folks at Stadium Dental in Tacoma. Never have I had such gentle and pleasant dental experiences. My cleaning today was downright lovely!  Charlotte, the hygienist is a kick in the pants, and she never lectures me about flossing.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

This little piggy...

I have never had an actual pedicure, but one thing I love about my Alice is that she likes to polish my who needs a pedicure?  Tonight, after work she painted my toes red, as I told her about the "this little piggy..."game I used to play with her chubby little toes when she was a toddler.  Thankful for fun times with my daughter.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lesson learned

Today a very elderly woman was leaving PetSmart at the same time as I...and she struck up a conversation with me. She asked me what I bought, and I explained the large bag of rabbit food I was carrying. She started telling about her poor health and she clearly was not walking with much ease but was not in any shape to drive.  Suddenly she asked me if I would drive her to TJ Max.  She caught me off guard and I said "Yes" before I had a chance to exhale!
I blinked and she was sitting in the front seat. I suddenly got panicked that this was all going to go sideways somehow...that she was going to pull a gun on me and I would never see my family again.
TJ Max was nearby. I drove up to the front & she got out thanking me up and down.  Before I pulled away she exclaimed, "God Bless those rabbits!".
Wow, I am thankful that I was totally wrong about her... She was just a sweet old lady!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's sprinkling summer

Thankful for those May evenings that feel like a slice of summer...then the neighbor turns on their sprinkler and the kids grab their swim trunks.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Spot, the dog

I don't get home in time to experience the afterschool homework party that happens in this house each day.  Brent had told me Dominik's reading had really improved since he has been working hard with a reading specialist at school. This evening  I asked Dom to show me a little of what he is working on.
He read it to me three times...and it was music to my ears.  Thankful for Dominik's  determination to be a reader even though he has to work harder on it than most of his classmates.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Clam diggetty

An adventure with our 4-H group today was opportunity for another "first" for the kids and I.  We stuck shovels and buckets in the truck and headed to Bremerton for some clam digging at Belfair State Park.  Low tide made for some fun clamming until it started pouring down rain and we all huddled under the shelter and drank hot chocolate. Thankful  the kids are a part of this great group and thankful for a fun first time clam digging.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


It has been over a year since I took a nap.  I enjoyed every one of those 40 minutes of this afternoon's nap...I might just make this a regular weekend thing!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Peace is Peace

In the middle of a long work afternoon today I heard a noise coming from the outdoors was drumming, and it was getting louder and louder as I listened.  Suddenly from the corner of my office window I spied a band of marching drummers and a whole slew of  folks following them.  I ran out to the street and watched the most awesome group of kids marching down MLK Jr Way passing the clinic. Their signs showed that it was a March for Peace, and the shirts they wore showed they were from the neighborhood elementary school. Oh what to fun to watch boys and girls from teeny tiny to pre- teen out celebrating peace with a parade.  I stood, clapped and cheered them on. My favorite sign held by a young boy,  "Peace is Peace".

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Random swinging allowed

In the park across from our home is a cool huge tree. Many years ago a neighbor hung a simple swing from its branches.  
One of my favorite things to witness is a random person passing by the park, spying the swing. They will often drop everything they are carrying, walk over and take a handful of swings before gathering their things and continue down the street.  
I am thankful that there are still simple joys in life that are irresistible and so human.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

On her terms

Our new but old cat that we recently adopted has really come to love us...on her terms. In the mornings while the kids sleep I work from home via laptop.  Sugar has taken to sitting on the table next to my work and talking to me, seemingly looking for some lovin.  Usually when I reach out to pet her she will shy away...but this morning she kept placing her paw on mine, and kept it there while I worked.  Thankful today that good things take time...and are worth the wait.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A place to rest

On this beautiful evening I am wholeheartedly thankful for my porch. A long day behind me, I can just sit here and watch the kiddos playing with neighbors...I am content and happy.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cooped up

I am thankful that I grabbed my bike this morning and pedaled to work in the sun. If I had been in the car I wouldn't have even seen this little beauty in a front yard a half mile away.  I jumped off the bike and paid this sweet hen a visit. She seemed happy on this sunny spring morning. I wondered what her name is. Wanted to stay longer, but I had to shake a tail feather to get to work on time!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Soaking it in

It is Mother's Day and I could fill a novel with the things I am thankful for.  There is my own mother's courage to not only give birth nine times, but her natural ability to put her nine children first before her needs for most of her adult life. I find that especially admirable now having children myself.  I am and forever will be grateful for the birth mom in China, whom I will likely never know.  She made the most loving choice possible for her baby girl 10 yrs ago. I am also so grateful that I didn't give up and realized that parenting doesn't always begin with giving birth.
Last but not least, I am thankful to get a chance to get some lawn blanket time today...laying down with my eyes closed taking in the sound of my wind chimes.  Life is good.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mazel Tov !

Thankful that there are still many "firsts" to experience in my life. Here is a photo of my 28 yo niece, Sara, being lifted in the air at her recent Bat Mitzvah.  It was great fun, and my first time inside a synagogue.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Best fruit and veggies on earth

Thankful today that on my way into the Seattle office I had a chance to stop at my favorite outdoor produce market on Rainier and 23rd.  Today's purchase consisted of several  apples and two large mangoes.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


It has been months since I have had an opportunity to listen to my NPR podcasts.  I had no idea how much I missed my favorite, This American Life, until I put the ear buds in and hit play on my commute to Seattle this morning. Thoroughly wrapped up in this radio program, I felt the rainy traffic yuck dissipate...and it was just me and Ira (and the interviwed guests) hanging out swapping antedotes. Life is good.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Splish Splash

I had one of those days where I was feeling grumpier and more irritated as time went by.  Nothing seemed to be going right, and my patience was running thin.  I came home and ate dinner but didn't feel better and I was getting tired of being crabby.  Then, I took a shower. Amazing how a few minutes in isolation with refreshingly warm water splashing down can change things. Wow, I felt so much better.
I am thankful that I have a shower and hot water available to me whenever I need.  This is not a luxury to be taken for granted. Today it made all the difference.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pause Button, please.

So, apparently I can't stop the clock and I can't keep my kids from getting older. I am assured, however, that I shouldn't worry as my 10 yr old Alice recently asked for(and received) a giant set of Crayola crayons for her birthday. I am thankful that my sweet kiddos aren't growing up too fast.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What are you lookin' at?

I am thankful today that I was born and lived many years of my life before smart phones and social media were created.  I have the pleasure of remembering what it was like to talk to folks face-to-face, or spend hours writing letters to pen pals overseas, having to wait a whole 7 days to see the next episode of  Happy Days, or trying to read my notes from class that I had scribbled in a spiral notepad, and typing my college term papers on a typewriter.  I remember the games we played were with a board and spinner or with a deck of cards in the middle of a circle of humans.  I remember fondly the spending of childhood summers outside running around in the yard, or making mud pies in the woods...and we stayed out there all day, every day totally entertained by our vivid imaginations.
I am thrilled with how far we have come with technology and the miracles of the internet...all this infinite information at our fingertips.
But I am happy that I will always know a time without...and that I will always choose to hold someone's hand in mine, over a hand-held device.

My inspiration?  This video that made its rounds on... guess what?  Facebook! It is poignant and heartbreaking and many things. Click below to experience it for yourself.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Plethora of gratitude

Today was one of those days when I found myself feeling thankful for many different things at many times throughout.
If I have to pick one gratitude to highlight here it will be that my son loves pickles as much as I do.  When we asked him what he wanted to plant in his box this summer he said he wanted to grow cucumbers and then make pickles. I had the pleasure of watching his little dirty hands put these cuke seedlings in the soil today. Best thing ever.

Out spoke'n

My favorite part of the day was the family trip to a community bike swap at the U of Puget Sound. So many cool bikes.

Friday, May 2, 2014


I am so very thankful that today is Friday...not because I have big plans this weekend, but because I don't.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Field trip

A beautiful 84 degrees day, and my co-worker and I decided to take a field trip in the sun. We drove to Puyallup to visit the PP Health Center staff, then drove an hour up to Bremerton to do the same up there. On the way back we stopped in Gig Harbor and had lunch at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican joint across from the marina.