Five years ago I was swimming in debt and credit card bills were dictating my life daily. It was bad, and it wasn't getting any better. I went to a nonprofit debt management program and asked for help. It was the best decision I ever made. I destroyed all of my cards, and I learned how to live without credit cards for the first time since I was in my early 20's. I was learning the hard way as I paid large sums of $ to this program as they paid off my debt. Today I received a letter congratulating me for successfully completing my debt management goal in 5 years. The balance of each of my old credit cards is now 0. That's ZERO! It feels good.
Some day I want to volunteer my time as an educator of young people by leading seminars or presentations on money management, and personal budgeting. If young people are familiar with the reality of bank accounts, credit cards and paychecks before they start a job and spending their earnings, they may avoid making poor money choices later.
I still owe a mortgage and have the usual bills and I eventually plan to open one credit card, to maintain a good credit score. For me, debt-free living will always be the goal from here on out.
This is awesome! Congrats big time. Great feeling, isn't it?