Thursday, November 27, 2014


Today is Thanksgiving. One year ago on this day I had an experience that kick-started my need to focus on gratitude daily in some way or another. It was early morning, and I was up and sipping coffee , enjoying some quiet while the rest of my family slept.  I looked out the front window to see that a freeze had happened overnight and a layer of frost was covering everything in sight.  I then spied a a large trash bag spread out covering something in the gardens of the park across from our house.  When I discovered that from under the trash bag blanket a man was waking up and trying to stand, I felt pangs of sadness for his need to sleep out there in the cold.  I, in no way, could sit in my warm home sipping coffee when I knew this was happening just outside my door.
I grabbed a large travel mug, filled it with hot coffee, and out the door I went.
There was a language barrier, but I didn't need to know what words he spoke, as the joy in his eyes told me everything.
I turned to walk back to my home I felt incredibly thankful for what I had and that somehow fate had handed me a chance to make it as far as I had.  I felt humbled and gracious...and knew there was likely very little difference between this man and me. We all make choices every day that effect where we end up tomorrow. I had simply been lucky so far.
Since that day I have changed my perspective on gratitude.  I am thankful for so many things that I know could vanish in an instant.  Keeping this in mind helps me to live in the moment and take less for granted.
Today my children and husband sat down with my parents and some of my siblings and their children and we ate this fantastic turkey and all the trimmings.  Pretty lucky, I'd say. 

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