Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lesson learned

Today a very elderly woman was leaving PetSmart at the same time as I...and she struck up a conversation with me. She asked me what I bought, and I explained the large bag of rabbit food I was carrying. She started telling about her poor health and she clearly was not walking with much ease but was not in any shape to drive.  Suddenly she asked me if I would drive her to TJ Max.  She caught me off guard and I said "Yes" before I had a chance to exhale!
I blinked and she was sitting in the front seat. I suddenly got panicked that this was all going to go sideways somehow...that she was going to pull a gun on me and I would never see my family again.
TJ Max was nearby. I drove up to the front & she got out thanking me up and down.  Before I pulled away she exclaimed, "God Bless those rabbits!".
Wow, I am thankful that I was totally wrong about her... She was just a sweet old lady!

1 comment:

  1. That made me chuckle. I get in odd situations sometimes too before I know it. Luckily she didn't ask if you'd shop with her! :)
