Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mega proud parent day

Lots of nice things happened today, but I am mostly thankful for two in particular.
It started with leaving work early to attend the MLK Jr day assembly at Grant. Dominik performed in many parts of the show...singing, narrating. He was great and Brent and I were so proud.
Then after school we all went to see the Reflections Art program pieces. Some of them would be advancing to WA State contest. Alice's photo of Mount Si had advanced from Grant to Tacoma City Council, and had received an homorable mention here.  What an honor! 
Such great kids in a great school!
Art is such an integral part of the education at Grant.


  1. Lots of exciting news! Great job, guys. Would love to see the photo of Mount Si some time!

  2. This is awesome! I would love to see the photo.
