Monday, January 19, 2015

Pain in the neck!

I managed to acquire a stiff, achy pinched nerve type of neck pain 3 days ago, probably from sleeping on a bad pillow.  Stress aggravated it, and today I was beside myself with headaches and serious grouchiness. I then starts reading about acu pressure that can relieve neck pain.  It is done by applying pressure to the space on the back of the hand between the pointer knuckle and the middle knuckle. While pressing roll you neck around to stretch the muscles and try to regain mobility by turning the neck from side to side.  I tried this technique and I have to say that my neck could finally move around with very little pain!
I didn't have to resort to BenGay...thank goodness.


  1. I am remembering this. I get these really badly as well.

  2. Yikes. Sleeping on bad pillows can often result to neck pain, and the worst part is that it could go on for hours or even days! Anyway, it’s nice to know that you’ve found an easy way to resolve this. But in case any serious issues occur, it be best if you’d consult with a professional. Anyway, thanks for sharing hits with us. Have a great day!

    Agnes Lawson @ Pain Relief Experts
