Friday, September 5, 2014

When you need it most

Between the start of a new school year and long stressful workdays from a mound of extra work on my desk I was feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and a little distraught today.  I sat at my desk, took some deep breaths and forged on because I knew these tasks were not going to complete themselves.
Moments later I received an email from my boss written to the entire affiliate.  It made my heart smile and the load of responsibility I was carrying on my shoulders didn't seem quite as heavy.
I must have received 25 or so Thank You messages throughout the rest of the day...and they were heart-felt. 
As this blog has helped me to recognize daily the things I am thankful for, it is also so important once in awhile to be thanked.


  1. This is awesome. I'm happy to see you received some well deserved recognition!

  2. How cool is that! What a feeling!
