Monday, March 24, 2014

Ix-nay the is short

I am thankful today that my office has a door.  Some folks like to stop by and chat during the workday.   Most of the time it is a great break to visit and catch up with a friendly co-worker. Sometimes though it is simply a negative spewing from someone who is miserable for whatever reason.  They consider it "venting" but it really is more about their outlook than anything that is happening at work. I respond in a positive way...looking for the silver lining, glass half full stuff.  They don't want to hear it because they enjoy being miserable somehow.  Today, I just didn't have the energy for it all, so I was glad to have my door to close.  Sometimes you just have to shut out the negative to focus on the good stuff.


  1. Debbie took the words right out of my mouth! What a blessing a large piece of wood with a handle can be.
