Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Grocery Outlet

Some of my favorite bargains come from Grocery Outlet so I usually visit once a week. I do subscribe to my local store's blog because it is filled with give-away contests, recipes, and positive messages from the owner, Lynn.
Tonight Lynn called me to tell me I had won a $50 gift card for sharing the news of their nomination program on Facebook.  I was chosen randomly from several entries.  What a delight!
This store owner is all about giving back to the community.  Currently they are donating 50 $50 cards to those families in need...and the week before Thanksgiving they gave away 250 bags with all the makings for turkey dinner to famies in need.  Fantastic!  

1 comment:

  1. That is fabulous! I love that store and just got one a mile from my house. Fun family also runs our's.
